My First Concern Experience Post Injury, Part II

I believe all that happened on that night was nothing short of eye-opening. The reason I decided to write this, is to share my experience and speak my voice on accessibility and inclusivity of disabled people in this country. There are so many times that I have gone to a place but only to stay in the car because one can only access the building by going up a fleet of stairs. In this instance accessibility was next to none, and I had to be lifted by two lovely gentlemen into the venue, but since we were at the general…

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My First Concert Experience Post Injury, Part I

The 3rd of June 2022, will forever be one of the days I will always remember. It is the day I finally attended a live show after four good years. It was certainly the kind of experience that awakens you and is awesome at the same time. There were so many emotions involved, both good and bad. This bold move was influenced by the love for the Nigerian star, Burna Boy, The African Giant himself. I had told myself there was no way I was going to miss this show, and I remember screaming with joy with my little sisters…

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My New Job and its Many Challenges, Part II

Part IIThe biggest challenge was accessibility.  The road to work was so bad for a wheelchair user. Especially it being a night job. I travelled at night. The potholes and rocky roads, contributed to serious back pain and the sweats.  By the time I get to work, I was already tired.It wasn’t good for the wheelchair which would jam by the time I got to work or home.  I figured by the end of the season my wheelchair would be destroyed. I spoke to my boss and asked if a car could be provided.  He offered to pick me up,…

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My New Job and its Many Challenges, Part I

Part I After my spinal cord injury, I have come to the understanding that it’s very difficult to take in the reality of my situation. There’s no doubt that many of us experience severe emotional reactions after a SCI which require long-term psychological adjustment. Getting back to work sometimes is the last thing on your mind. You have no idea where to begin. Still being acclimated to my injuries and the changes in my life it took me months, if not years and during this time. I kept saying I need to heal first before returning to work. First, I…

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My Emotions, Part II

Having a human mind is hard. Rather, I think that humans are meant to worry. Knowing all that I have to do to get better, despite all the advice I receive from my close friends, and family, I still find myself in bouts of depression. I am dealing with all kinds of emotions which I’m now going to talk about.The first feeling was disbelief. This event was something I would never have imagined would happen to me. It was something that someone would never wish on anyone. When you are born able-bodied, you start to think you are entitled to…

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My Emotions, Part I

Today I’m going to share with you the emotional impact of spinal cord injury on my life. When I first got injured I did not understand the complexity of my situation. I had this strong conviction that everything was going back to normal. I was going to walk in no time then I’m back to my life. I sort of ignored so many details about my situation because I wanted to believe I was going to recover. I was just so overconfident which has never been a crime but it’s also not good at 1st when I was in hospital…

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My New Home Life

After a while of being home,  I was able to hire a physiotherapist by the name of Mr Musoro, who was instrumental in shaping the way for me. I couldn't pay him much, but he did his job quite well and he encouraged me a lot. He helped me face my fears and to realize my full potential. I can not speak of my recovery without mentioning his name. Unfortunately,  I couldn’t afford to continue paying for a physiotherapist which meant I had to do it alone. At home,  I didn’t have much exercise equipment. I had to find a way…

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From Rehab to Home

The day I got the discharge letter from the doctor, I barely slept because I couldn’t wait to leave the rehabilitation hospital. Sometimes, I regret rushing home so quickly since there was so much I wasn’t prepared for. There was a lot that needed to be done at home such as getting a ramp, a proper bed, and the right kind of caregivers. Unfortunately, none of that happened. They didn’t happen mainly because there was no money to pay for any of it. We had to find our own way around it. At home, there was my little sister, Tadiwa…

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My Rehab Experience

On December 21st of 2017, I was transferred by ambulance to Ruwa Rehabilitation Center accompanied by my sister Mufaro, my cousin Blessing and his wife Jane. I was scared and worried at the thought of how I would cope being away from my family. We were admitted by an unfriendly nurse which made my situation even harder. I was placed in a general female ward. I could not help but worry if my being in there was going to help me get better.  Fortunately, a patient named Plaxedes, who was a quadriplegic, warmly welcomed me. She could probably see my…

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Hospital of Horrors, Part II

I remember forcing myself to play candy crush so I wouldn’t fall asleep. Playing games continued for many nights to come. The next day, a group of neurosurgeons came by.  They poked and prodded me. I wasn’t sure what was really happening until one of them eventually told me that I had a spinal cord injury. I had sort of guessed that on the scene of accident, so it wasn’t a surprise. It was really devastating to hear. They said that I needed to get an expensive MRI scan. My family and friends had to try to get the funds…

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